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Overseas Chinese history museum opens new branch in S. China

来源:Culture Connection news portal编辑:opinions时间:2024-04-30 06:33:09

The Overseas Chinese History Museum of China has opened a new branch in the city of Chaozhou in south China's Guangdong Province.

This is the second branch of the museum following the launch of the Guangzhou branch in October 2023.

An inauguration ceremony of the branch was held at Chaozhou Museum. Established in 1959, the Chaozhou Museum unveiled an exhibition area centering on the development and essence of the culture of overseas Chinese in Chaozhou at the end of last year.

The launch of the Chaozhou branch will continue to tap into the rich historical and cultural resources related to overseas Chinese in Chaozhou, and will also facilitate the sharing of cultural heritage and resources of overseas Chinese on a broader scale, according to an official of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese. 

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